
Present Activities: JAKAS Foundation is a local non-governmental development organization established in 1993 and actively involved in the field level of Rural and Urban development since its inception. JAKAS Foundation has been implementing various development activities with the grassroots and disadvantaged men & women following under activities.

Group formation and group dynamism;

Income generation activities;

Drinking water supply and rural sanitation;

Homestead gardening;

Aqua culture & Poultry and livestock development;

Technological and financial support to Marginal farmers;

Improved participatory Approach in Hygiene & Sanitation Promotion;

Mother & Child health and awareness buildup ;

Facilitation of Marketing Service;

Empowerment through Resources Mobilization;

Enhancing Sustainable Effort of Poverty Reduction through Ecological Sanitation;

Need Based training.

Artificial Insemination (i) Healthy Progeny ii. Breed Development iii. Milk Producing

Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Households towards Elimination of their poverty (ENRICH).

Increasing Income and sustainable development to ultra poor and poor people.

Insure Genetic quality and Productivity by financial and technical support for Goat rearing.

Technical Support, Crop and None Crop Trainings for Agriculture & Livestock Sectors Beneficiaries.

Technical Support for Fisheries and Trainings under Agriculture & Livestock Sectors Programme.